Long Distance Relationships

Someone once said, “Absence makes the heart grow fonder,” while that quote may be true, it does not make a long distance relationship any more appealing. You and your significant other may find yourselves in a long distance relationship (LDR)...

The Friends

Do I have to like his friends? I’ve heard many women contemplate this question. In most cases, when you begin dating your significant other he already has a fixed group of people with whom he hangs. If you are not...

Hindsight 20/20

In the movie, ‘When Harry Met Sally‘ starring Meg Ryan and Billy Crystal there is a beautiful ROM-COM quote that Harry (B.Crystal) says, ” When you realize you want to spend the rest of your life with somebody, you want the...

Why Won’t He Commit?

When you type the word commitment into Google search two definitions are provided the first, “the state or quality of being dedicated to a cause, activity, etc.” The second definition Google provides, ” an engagement or obligation that restricts freedom...