Mom to Mom

I took my son Q to get blood-work the other day. Q has begun walking, so he was enjoying the empty office and zigzagging from one side of the room to the other. The woman doing our intake watched as...

Exclusive Pumping

When I was pregnant with my son Q, I decided to breastfeed. As I am a self-proclaimed nerdy bookworm, I read tons of literature on the topic. I was going to nail breastfeeding. However, breastfeeding, much like all the literature...


Today is my thirtieth birthday. It is a surreal feeling switching into a new decade of life. I do not feel thirty, or perhaps thirty doesn’t feel like I imaged. When I was turning twenty, thirty seemed so much older...

A Baby Announcement

Some moments occur in your life when you feel like everything has shifted. A shift that changes you, where you know the next day when you wake up nothing will ever be the same. Sometimes these shifts happen when something...